What Has Changed From Thanksgiving in the 50's?

In terms of seasonal excitement, we have been told that it should go: Halloween, Thanksgiving and THEN Christmas! We've recently seen more than a few memes about this awesome holiday not being allocated it’s fair share of “hype” due to premature Christmas anticipation! So we have listened and decided to dedicate this whole blog post to Thanksgiving!
It's public knowledge that we adore all things vintage here and we found ourselves thinking about how they did thanksgiving in the 50's compared with today! Here’s a few bits we found…
Their turkeys were a lot smaller! This of course was before the modern phenomenon of growth hormones and antibiotics. So a 50’s Thanksgiving Turkey wouldn’t have been anywhere near the size that they are today... However they probably were better for you!
There was such a thing as a Jello salad - We are “thankful” for this no longer being a thing! Post war, this was seen as an exciting new way to present your salad to guests; preserving it in lurid green savoury jello. Ewwwww.
Being quite a traditional holiday, Thanksgiving dinner didn’t see much variation in the 50's. So up until fairly recently we didn’t have quite as many fun debates e.g. Sweet potato vs Pumpkin pie? Or “How should a good mac & cheese be prepared?’
The Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was and still is a staple of the holiday! Although the balloons have definitely seen a big improvement in the past 70 years.
One thing though that has definitely remained the same is the warm fuzzy feeling of being with your friends and family and just “being thankful” for that moment and another year passed. Its a family holiday that’s enjoyed only once a year, so enjoy the company, food and warm ciders and have a very happy Thanksgiving from all of us at The Vintage Cosmetic Company!