Self-Improvement September

Autumn is slowly shifting into place here in the UK as the sun sinks earlier and earlier in the day and the nights are becoming colder and colder – this can leave everyone feeling a little bit drained and worse for wear round the edges – so what better time to use self-improvement month to your advantage?
The Vintage Cosmetic Company Team all agree that sometimes it feels like life just passes you by with no time for stopping for yourself – between housework, kids, working, catching up with friends and family, and all those other endless ‘life chores’ that just keep popping up it can be easy to forget about ourselves!
We’re really keen to inject some self-love back into everyday routines that’s hassle free and time efficient, so here’s 5 things you can do to de-stress and relax so you can be the best version of yourself:
- Take a bath: Give yourself an hour soak to your worries away in a lavender infused bath – our bath pillows are super soft and provide extra comfort for a really relaxing experience.
- Do a facemask: You know that facemask that’s been sat at the back of your cupboard for the past 6 months? Take a breath and pamper your skin – to keep your lovely locks off your face and save time and hassle trying to wash bits of facemask out from stray hair, use one of our Make-up Headbands.
- Read a book: Not your bills or the school bulletin, but an actual book! Research suggests that reading books is much more relaxing than watching TV before bed – this is because TV’s give off blue light which can disturb sleep. Give your eyes some TLC before bed and finish that murder mystery that’s been sat on your bedtime table since forever!
- Book some time off: Give yourself an evening out with some friends or your partner and give yourself time to pamper for the occasion so you feel as gorgeous and sparkly as we know you are! Experts say that laughter can literally de-stress you. This is because laughing releases endorphins, or the ‘happy hormone’ into your brain.
- Take a walk – preferably in a forest: According to the Japanese practice of forest bathing is proven to lower heart rate and blood pressure, reduce stress hormone production, boost the immune system, and improve overall feelings of wellbeing!
Happy Self-Improvement September… now get pampering!