Introducing The Vintage Cosmetic Company’s Charity of the Year: Look Good Feel Better

We are proud to announce that The Vintage Cosmetic Company will be working alongside Look Good Feel Better this year to raise money and awareness for confidence workshops held for women, teenagers and men living with cancer

Here at The Vintage Cosmetic Company we firmly believe in self love, and that having a positive body image can make a real difference to people’s lives. We know that men and women who suffer with low self esteem issues are likely to experience physical and mental health problems and because of this, our ambition is to give people beauty tips and tools to help everyone feel beautiful and comfortable in their own skin.

When people undergo cancer treatments they experience changes in their body which can damage their self-esteem significantly, their hair can fall out and sometimes they are left with scarring and other skin blemishes. Like us, the charity Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) believes in the therapeutic and psychological benefits of women wearing makeup, especially in the face of adversity when women are coping with the side effects of having cancer treatments.

LGFB were initially established in 1992 in America and over the past 26 years have grown significantly worldwide. They are currently the only international cancer support charity providing free confidence workshops for patients undergoing cancer treatments. Each year they provide workshops in 100 locations in the UK to over 20,000 women.

They have several different types of workshops held at local hospitals for women, teenagers and most recently a new workshop launching this year called ‘Skin Fitness’ which is for men. Additionally they hold Masterclasses in more rural parts of the community in order to support women and teenagers living outside of main cities and towns.

Led by LGFB Beauty Volunteers, the sessions are an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation whilst being taught vital makeup skills, such as how to draw on missing eyebrows and eyelashes in order to boost their confidence. One LGFB beneficiary said: “The workshop changed my life around and showed how I could look like the me I used to be, not the me who happens to be a cancer patient”

Throughout this year here at TVCC HQ we will be raising money, awareness and support for Look Good Feel Better - check back here for updates on our journey!